The real miracle is mind itself. Your mind. And your mind is capable of incredible things. But it is through the practice of concentration and meditation — zazen — and mindfulness, that you are able…
The best form of meditation is the sitting meditation. But work is next. Work is a great way to meditate.
Through the proper application of kundalini, a woman can quickly become aware of the tremendous power that resides inside herself and reach enlightenment.
In Buddhism you study how to release the kundalini to the levels that would certainly afford career success. If we move it further, into the planes of knowledge and wisdom, it enables the practitioner…
Determine where you are and where you wish to be. Then use all of your self-effort to make that happen, following the guiding principles of all the Buddhas and bohisattvas and seekers of the dharma…
Selfless giving burns away the layers of the onion. Purity and humility keep meditation and selfless giving clear. Love radiates through the entire practice because we do all of it only for love.
Meditation is the short path to happiness. Meditation takes you beyond the desire-aversion operating system that offers very limited happiness and a great deal of frustration.
I recommend, for many people, the study of computer science. Our natural resource in America is the mind. The mindset in computer science is very similar to the mindset in Zen.
I recommend computer science to people who practice meditation. The mental structures that are used in computer science are very similar exercises done in Buddhist monasteries.
Computer science is fascinating. As you study computer science, you will find that you develop your mind. It is literally like doing Buddhist exercises all day long.
Programming will aid a person in developing their mind and will aid their meditation. I find that people who have pursued programming are doing much better in their meditation.
Follow your dreams wherever they lead you and pay for those dreams with good jobs in software programming and computer design!
If you seek to develop the mind fully, for the enlightenment process, you will benefit if your career is related to computer science, law, medicine, or the arts.
It is my belief that one of the most exciting things about the World Wide Web is that they allow minds, as Spock might say, to meld. The transfer of consciousness through a variety of mediums is…
If your intent is that athletics and sports are tools or devices to reach higher levels of mind, then your workout sessions become meditation.
In the Zen of sports and athletics, we seek to bring discipline and control into our physical movements, but at the same time to eliminate the self that gets in the way of perfect play.
In Tantric Zen, career, relationships, the type of insurance you have - all things are part of your evolution, your awareness, your experience of the suchness of existence.
Tantric Zen is for the individual who is in love with both the finite and the infinite, who gets a kick out of this weird transitory world and at the same time, wants to step beyond it.
Tantric Zen is the exploration of everything, since everything is a part of enlightenment.
A critical part of Tantric Buddhism is a process of turning of the activities and experiences in your daily life into meditation.
Since we spend more time and energy doing it, career becomes the most important item on our agenda to turn into a meditative form. Next to meditation itself, I really can't think of anything more…
You can live in the world and have all the myriad experiences that life has to offer and yoke your awareness field to the planes of light, and eventually to nirvana itself.
Material success is a way of tightening up your life so that you can move into higher planes of attention. You should try to do well in every aspect of your life, because each aspect of your life…
Combine meditation with career as a yoga. You will find that your practice will not be any less powerful than a person who lives in a monastery. You might even excel because practice in a monastery…
Next to meditation itself, I really can't think of anything more important than the development of your career.
You have got to get your power up and do something and not just sit around. Always be optimistic. Always be positive! And ignore those who aren't, because they’re obviously confused, and out of touch…
You need to turn your room into a place of power. It's a good idea to have flowers around, candles, incense, you know, happy things. Make your room into a beautiful place and keep it impeccably clean.
A critical part of Tantric Buddhism is a process of turning of the activities and experiences in your daily life into meditation.
You gain power through practicing meditation and concentration. You gain power by doing anything you like that makes you feel good. You gain power by being happy.
A great deal has been written about personal power by Carlos Casteneda, and I find his first four books valuable. Of the experiences themselves, who knows? But the principles that are presented are…
What you need to learn are basic types of concentration, bringing more energy into your life, plugging up the holes where you lose energy, the basics of self-discovery.