
You are moving in and out of different advanced states of mind through your practice of meditation and mindfulness. It's that level of excellence that gives you joy in life, not the fact that you won…
The unlimited mind, the diamond mind of the Buddha, is your mind, if you can get in touch with it. Stop thinking so much and tap into that psychic part of your being.
With the happiness, ecstasy and power you gain from meditation, you can gradually remove your mind from the things it has become hooked to that cause it pain.
The perfect view of existence comes from an unclouded, uncluttered life and mind whereby the radiance of perfect attention of the mind of the universe floods us at every moment. This is Buddhism. This…
If your intent is that athletics and sports are tools or devices to reach higher levels of mind, then your workout sessions become meditation.
In Zen we strive to bring both the mind and the body into perfect combination, so that there is no intrinsic difference between them.
It is in Zen practice that you gain power, balance and wisdom. The battles that you fight are within your own mind. That is where the real victories and defeats are.
In Zen there is a sense of blending, of stepping out of your body and mind and gaining access to powers and abilities that are far beyond the minds of mortal men.
The study of Zen is the study of energy, power, knowledge and balance. It is the science of energy conservation and control. We use energy to aid others, to see beauty, to discover love where we saw…
According to Zen philosophy each human being has two minds, a finite mind and an infinite mind. In the study of Zen you can learn how to strengthen and clarify your finite mind. Your finite mind is…
Zen is a very quick path to enlightenment and development of the mind and all its facilities.
Meditation is a bright, hopeful practice in which we learn to make our mind quiet so that the infinite, perfect light of enlightenment can flow through us.
It is not simply a transient happiness that you experience in meditation that creates balance; it is a transformative light. Inner light is the most powerful thing there is.
The place that you gain the most power is within your own mind. Stopping thought generates power. That is why people meditate. The longer you can stop thought, the more power you gain.
Even after only several weeks of practicing meditation, you will begin to have more energy and be a little bit happier. Eventually, you will experience ecstasy and knowledge beyond the power of words…
When you meditate you are accessing eternity. You are plugging yourself into that source which is all light and all beauty and all perfection.
When you start to meditate, if you stick with it, you will see tremendous changes in your life and state of mind.
Meditation is the freeing of ourselves from all mental states and concepts of self.
Meditation is the quickest path to enlightenment. The key to all enlightenment is to have personal experiences in the world of light. All you need to do that is to meditate.
Sit and meditate a couple of times a day. Stop the body. Sit up straight and practice a meditation and concentration exercise. Clear your mind of all the garbage that runs through it and enter into a…
When you meditate in the morning you pick up a lot of energy, focus, and awareness. That will be with you throughout the day. It brightens the subtle physical body so you won't pick up as much…
Go out and do the things you are afraid to do gradually. Gain the power to do that through meditating. You will find yourself limitless reality that knows no fear.
In meditation what you are trying to do is simply get rid of your own junk. You are trying to move all the confusion out of your mind, all the heaviness, all the emotional upsets, all the impressions…